
Monthly Objectives

Setting Monthly Objectives

Tattle’s recommendation algorithms automatically selects a location-level objective for your team, which is the operational cateogry that’s deemed to be the biggest improvement opportunity for that particular location. Brands that achieve the Tattle recommended objective has an 84% likelihood of increasing the overall guest satisfaction within 30 days.

1. To view your objectives, click on the “Current Objectives” tab on the menu bar to the left.

tattle location settings

You can toggle between different views to see locations by group, by objective, as well as which ones are on or off track.

tattle location settings

2. Click on a location to see a snapshot view of the current objective, progress, and underlying factors affecting the particular operational category. Global or Groupable users can add action items for the team by clicking the “Add” button. Single users will be able to see and interact with the action item.

tattle location settings

3. To modify an objective, click “Modify Objective” at the top right hand corner.

tattle location settings

You can modify the objective for a particular location by setting your own goals and focus areas that you want to align your team on.

tattle location settings

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